In this article, I’m going to show you all the options you have if you want to use a teleprompter on the mac.
In general there are two distinct categories: the online, web based teleprompters, such as our own solution and native mac teleprompter apps.
Online teleprompters for macOS
There are multiple advantages of using an online teleprompter. The main advantage is that you don’t need to download any software, if it’s not your computer and you don’t have access to download apps from the app store, an online teleprompter can be the best option.
Check out our online teleprompter here. It is a very simple but really useful tool if you have to record a short video or you are doing a zoom call and need some help.
It has all the basic features such as mirroring the script and controlling the playback with the keyboard. It’s easy to customize your layout with changing the font size, margins and the color of the teleprompter.
Another solution we are happy to recommend is ZACue teleprompter. This software offers all the basic functionality as well with a twist, it can be controlled with touches and swipes so if you own an iPad you can use it on your both devices.
Now let me show you the best option if you want to use a native app on macOS:
Best teleprompter apps for macOS

We tested many of the current offers on the market and we found that the best solution right now for MacOS is made by that you can download from the app store or from their own website. So why do you want to use an app for this service? The answer is very simple, with a native app you have more access to the operating system and you can use all kinds of os features, such as using a bluetooth remote to control the playback. In addition to this, Teleprompter゜ helps you organize your scripts into folders inside the app that you can edit on all your devices, it’ll be always up to date everywhere. Our favorite features are not those however! First of all, you can duplicate your screen and if you are using an old teleprompter that has it’s own screen, you can just drag the duplicated window there while maintaining all the controls on your main window. This is in our experience the best way to use a teleprompter in a studio environment!
The other super useful feature become handy if you are doing a zoom presentation. Imagine talking in front of your team and your mind starts to wonder around all the non-related topics and you start to panic. This is why you should use a teleprompter during any kind of online presentations. My strategy is usually to only put the main talking points on the teleprompter but if you want you can write your whole script as well. So how does this app is so helpful? Well the solution might surprise you! With Teleprompter゜, you can make the window always on the front and you can change the transparency of the playback screen, this way it’ll not bother you too much but still makes you able to read when you need it.
I would say Teleprompter゜ is by far the best app for zoom presentations!
Make sure to check it out and if you have any recommendations how we can improve our current online teleprompter, please let us know!